2024 Members Only Competition Winners
Below are the images of the top placing artworks as well as lists of finalists in each category. Click on the images to see the winners' names and titles of winning entries.
2024 Winners, Commissioned Portrait

1st Place: David Pagani
2nd Place: Mardie Rees
3rd Place: Elizabeth Zanzinger
4th Place: Patrick Tupa
5th Place: Jean Hildebrant
6th Place: Anna Rose Bain
7th Place: Ted Nuttall
8th Place: Joseph Daily
9th Place: Marcia Klioze
10th Place: Oliver Sin
Finalists, Commissioned Portrait
Phil Boatwright, Matteo Caloiaro, Perry Carsley, Robin Damore, Crystal DeSpain, Nanette Fluhr, Nanci France-Vaz, Gavin Glakas, David Goatley, Thomas Caleb Goggans, Jaq Grantford, Kevin Macpherson, Nancy Mauck, Aapo Pukk, Sharon Sprung, Phoebe-Louise Stewart Carter, Chantal Sulkow, Charles Young Walls, Jennifer Welty, and Ligang Zheng
2024 Winners, Non-Commissioned Portrait

1st Place: Carla Paine
2nd Place: Gillian Sargeant
3rd Place: Mattie Ree Neal
4th Place: Hiroshi Hayakawa
5th Place: Sharon Tousey
6th Place: Kate Brockman Rhodes
7th Place: Ruth Fitton
8th Place: Lavely Miller
9th Place: Brian McClear
10th Place: Sara Kaplan
Finalists, Non-Commissioned Portrait
Annabella Boatwright, Manny Cosentino, Robin Damore, Crystal DeSpain, Gary Godbee, Charles Moxon, Robert Papp, Nicholas Thorp, Erdenebulgan Unubaatar, and Rainny Zhao
2024 Winners, Outside the Box

1st Place: Jackson Wrede
2nd Place: GayLynn Ribeira
3rd Place: Tanja Gant
4th Place: Vladimir Zlotskiy
5th Place: Shana Levenson
6th Place: Tracy Frein
7th Place: Michael Bergt
8th Place: Lyn Diefenbach
9th Place: Stephen Cefalo
10th Place: Robert Papp
Finalists, Outside the Box
Kevin Chambers, Rylee Cook, Casey Field, Nanci France-Vaz, Rosanna Gaddoni, Barbara Hack, Janelle Hatherly, Jen Starling, Jesse Lane, Jessica Lewis, Nancy Mauck, Michael Patterson, Daniel Robbins, Karen Warshal, and Gail Wegodsky
2024 Winners, Still-Life

1st Place: Steve Scheuring
2nd Place: Jeffrey Legg
3rd Place: Robert Papp
4th Place: Scott Royston
5th Place: Sally Ryan
6th Place: Andrew Sjodin
7th Place: John Buxton
8th Place: Charles Kapsner
9th Place: Yanteng Xiong
10th Place: Sivananda Nyayapathi
Finalists, Still-Life
Naomi Allen, Michele Amatrula, Grandier Gil Bella, Juan Cantavella, Donna Catotti, Isabelle Chouinard, Chris Clamp, Romeo Jr Cortez, Stephanie Deshpande, TaiMeng Lim, Brian McClear, William Neukomm, Ginny Page, SJ Penner, Rosie Penning, Fernando Robles, Jen Starling, Saara Väli, Ann Walker, and Charles Young Walls
2024 Winners, Animals as the Subject

1st Place: Yelena Lamm
2nd Place: Felicia Feldman
3rd Place: James Tennison
4th Place: Johanne Mangi
5th Place: Crystal DeSpain
6th Place: Rosanna Gaddoni
7th Place: Jimena Agra
8th Place: Evert Ploeg
9th Place: Carrie Nygren
10th Place: Stephanie Deshpande
Finalists, Animals as the Subject
Jessica Armstrong, Suzann Beck, Jerrold Castro, Chung-Wei Chien, Barbara Fox, Rebecca Grim, Barbara Hack, Catherine Hafer, Mike Laiuppa, Wanning Liao, Janet Maines, Brenda Matsen, Linda Harris Reynolds, Fernando Robles, Scott Royston, John Suh, Li Jian Volk, Ann Walker, Cali Ward, and Maria Willison